5 Simple Steps to Advance Your Director/VP Career with Confidence Without Imposter Syndrome


Get instant access to the exact steps you need to ditch self-doubt, stop overthinking, and start believing in your abilities. With proven strategies, actionable tips, and insider hacks, you’ll be ready to confidently advance your leadership career today.

(it's FREE!)

"The communication tips are simple but super. I love the rants to power technique it's very effective. I've shared this with other women on my leadership team too" 

Caroline, VP, Financial Services


In this FREE Guide created by Multi-Award-Winning Executive Coach, Lucy Gernon, you'll discover:

Strategies to Bust Imposter Syndrome

Discover proven techniques to kick imposter syndrome to the curb and step into your brilliance with confidence.

Tips to Boost Self-Belief

Unlock actionable tips to create powerful self-belief including 5 powerful affirmations  empowering you to own your worth

How to Overcome Fear & Take Risks

Learn Lucy's go-to strategies for overcoming fear and taking strategic risks that propel your career forward with purpose 

The #1 Thing You Must Do to Advance

Discover the critical accountability step that sets successful leaders  (you don't want to miss this one!)

How to Communicate Your Value 

Learn the communication hacks used by Fortune 500 executives to boldly articulate your value and gain recognition 

Networking & Visibility Hacks

Uncover the key to effective networking and boosting your visibility, even if putting yourself out there feels daunting right now.

"First time ever in a new role with no imposter syndrome due to the tools Lucy taught me"

Suzanne Sheridan - Vice President, Commercial Operations, Life Sciences

"I used the strategy from step 3 of the guide to finally have a one to one with my manager and to my surprise she agreed to revisit my career path at our meeting next Monday!" 

Laura Senior Director, Tech



Advancing Your Career Doesn't Have to Be Complicated


Whether imposter syndrome has been holding you back, you're not sure how to re-brand yourself, or you have no idea how to state exactly what you want

… this handy guide will walk you through exactly what to do so you can move from the "please pick me" energy and feeling like a girl to stepping into the role of real senior leader. 

Because when it comes to advancing your VP career, you've probably heard a LOT about executive preesnce and being more confident, but NOT a lot about how to live and breathe this, right? So I made this just for you. 

Join me inside the guide to get the exact step-by-step process and tools to quiet that self-doubt, embrace your true worth, and blaze your own trail to the next level of success

Ready to Confidently Advance Your Leadership Career?

You're tired of being timid and playing small. You know you have what it takes to do the job. It's time to move from the 'please pick me' energy, like a girl asking for permission to feeling like you're doing a good job and deserving of the role.


After coaching hundreds of women leaders, I can tell you without a doubt:

Working on your confidence is a wildly worthwhile investment of time and energy that reaps a phenomenal ROI

If you listen to my podcast or follow me on socials, you’ve probably heard me preach this for a while now! So often when discussing what holds women back there’s a LOT of talk about gender bias and bridging the pay gap… but when it comes to actually having the confidence to get visible and build a personal brand that attracts fantastic new opportunities, many ambitious women are left to rely on Google and crossed fingers.

Which may have left you wondering…

"How can I overcome imposter syndrome to confidently pursue promotions?"

"How can I authentically integrate my roles as a leader and working mother?"

"What steps can I take to rebrand myself and shift perceptions so I can compete with and progress like the boys?"

 That’s why I created this guide to answer all those questions and more — so you can confidently own your worth and get the reward and recognition you deserve

Cheering you on, always!

Lucy x